Sunday, September 28, 2008

the finished project

The quilt is done so far we were at 71 hours plus the 2 hours for the satin and about an hour for each remaining block so that was another 15 hours and then making the binding took about 1 1/2 hours and then the binding was another 2 hours.

= 91.5 hours x $10.00/hr.= $915.00

So just labour on this quilt would be $915.00 plus all the fabric is it any wonder that they sell for so much!!!

This is the finsihed project!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

this is a picture of the back of the quilted Mr. and Mrs. Noah

This is the front with mr.&Mrs.Noah after it was washed!
The Mr. & Mrs.Noah that the quilted pictures were taken from

Monday, September 22, 2008


I will be cutting the binding today, It all has to be cut at 45 degrees so it will be a little tricky. Maknig sure that it does not move then sewing it all to gether and ironing it all then winding it on to a cardboard bobbin so that it is easier to work with when it comes time to bind it.

I also rememered something that I didn't count into my hours spent yet.... Each of the white center "squares" are cut out of satin.... that means that each one had to be backed by muslin so that it would not be to weak to hold together, so I backed each peice with muslin and zig zagged the edges so that it would not fray.. I think I spent a good 2 hours just doing that it was a lot of work but it should not fall apart!!!

I only have 5 more designs then the quilting is done!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

again with the guilt

Again I'm feeling guilty, so should I say still!!! I have been working hard on this quilt, there are only 15 blocks left......but then comes making the binding and actually binding the quilt. Let's review the time line on this quilt so far, first there was the day that the owner and I spent sorting fabric and ironing and cutting we were together for 8 hours then I worked on it for another 3 hours after that. The next day I spent a whole day washing and ironing the fabrics that we had not gotten to the day before (by whole day I mean another 8 hours)and the ironing was not all done it took another 3 hours for that!!! Then cutting all those little pieces, that took another 8 hours, Then the piecing that was 3 days work of work so on average I spent 5 hours each day sitting at the sewing machine whenever I could. I forgot the washing, drying,and ironing of the muslin (that was only about 1/2 an hour)then the cutting of the muslin, you can only cut so many at once because of how it is folded so it took a whole afternoon. Then I traced all the pictures off of the fabric (another 2 hours)and took the pictures to the copier to enlarge. At that point we got together again and decided where each picture should go, actually she chose and I traced and we only stopped for a half hour at lunch she was here from 8 am to 3 pm.(6.5 hours)After the kids went to bed I layered it and basted it so that took about an hour ( I hate basting in case you didn't know that)

Now for the quilting on average it takes about 1hour a "block" so far I have done 27 blocks so we are looking at 27 hours just in quilting time so far, I still have 15 to go. Now let's see the total time spent so far.

= 71

That is so scary 71 hours spent so far, imagine paying some one hourly to do this at $10.00 an hour that is $710.00 for a not complete quilt!!!! It is alot of work and this does not include the fabrics, thread, backing and batting ouch!!! It could get costly!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

This is my first attempt at paper piecing, it turned out really well it just needs to be quilted. This will be the next thing I do once the wedding ring quilt is done!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

1/4 done!!!!!

The quilt is 1/4 done!!! Yahhhhhh I got 4 done today!!!!! Now to finish the quilting and and then make the binding and bind it!!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

my little pony


Okay i feel guilty about not having finished the quilt yet so I decided to work really hard on it, last night I did 3 more "squares"
These are all the different designs that are in the centers of the block. The * means they are done and I will continue to add to this list as we go. :)

~flower in diamond* ~baseball cap*
~my little pony* ~heart*
~candy cane* ~ball of yarn*
~teddy bear* ~baseball*
~Jesus fish* ~baby*
~mickey mouse* ~barn*
~another heart* ~3 butterflies*
~mouse (i call it a rat)* ~another teddy bear*
~pear* ~frog*
~piglet* ~pooh bear*
~bear on a cloud* ~large butterfly*
~tinkerbell* ~strawberry*
~Mr. & Mrs.Noah* ~headstand teddy bear*
~sail boat* ~heart*
~ABC blocks* ~bee
~giraffes* ~stars*
~precious moments boy* ~needle and thread*
~dove ~pansies
~puppy* ~flowers*
~ginger bread man* ~rooster*
~sunflower ~tigger

As you can see the list is long, so I'd best get to work!!!!

baby angel quilt

spelling errors

I have not yet figured out how to fix the spelling errors, but I will, some day I will!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the quilt

I feel really bad I have not done anymore work on the wedding ring quilt, but m=now that it's cooler, I will work on it tonight while watching big brother.

I have however finished a few smaller projects, for the infant loss program at St.Boniface hospital, they were smaller and I was able to do then in the car or van what ever we were travling in!!!!