Monday, November 30, 2009

ahhhh the guilt

yup the guilt...... you see I have some friends and family that were expecting so I aske them all to pick a baby quilt and I would make them each one, there were a total of 5 women, 3 picked the same quilt and one picked the kites and one didn't pick one at all, of those 5 baby quilts only 2 are done and with the babies, the other 2 are tops and one will be quilted this week, but here's the guilt the babies are here and are 4 and 5 months old, not only that but I also have my sisters wedding quilt to finish and she reminded me that it has been almost 6 months so I have ALOT to do!!! I also have been hired to do a custom baby quilt and have a requst for a friends toddler son's quilt as he's the only one who didn't get one as a baby!! I will also be doing some sewing to amp up the kids christmas gifts. The pic posted is the fabrics I'll be playing with to make the gifts for the kids as well as a new pair of christmas jammy's for each member of the family. I am sitting on 18 metres of fanneltte in brown, red and green of that everyone will get jammy's that are different enough without being to matchy, that's the plan anyhow!!! Looking at the pic I realize that I have also added the fabric I bought for my mom it will be an appron for her and a child size appron you see she LOVES to bake with the grandkids, her appron will have stitching on the front and will say what happens at grandmas house stays at grandmas house!!! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

these are unfinished tops that need to be quilted!!! expect the last quilt which was a friend I took it apart and fixed it for her!!!

mom's memory quilt

these are my Mom's memory quilt, each family member picked out fabric for thier block and I stitched thier names and birthday/anniversary onto the block. the pinwheel quilt is my oldest daughters quilt she picked the pattern and the fabrics, the pick john deere quilt is for a friends grandbaby, her hubby is a HUGE john deere fan!!

more quilts

my little mans quilt top hoping to be done by christmas!!!

my quilt projects

these are wallhangings I made for friends

a href="">

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The move is almost done, there is just a few last minute clean up to do. There is a trailer with junk on it,there is an old washing machine, a BBQ and a fridge and some eves other then that it is pretty much done. We talked to the "new" tenants (who have not finished paying for the trailer yet) telling them we would be by proablly friday to finish the clean up. The on monday we get a call from the old landlord, yelling about the clean up, calmly we explain we have already talked to the new "tenant" and we will get it done. This seems okay with the landlord yesterday, today he calls daddy bear at work no less, and says I called the renters board and here's what they said.
Well daddy bear calls me and tells me what happened, I tell him you call the renters board and find out all sorts of stuff, you see we were simply doing whatever he wanted because we didn't want firction, so we just did it. Turns out or rent increases against the law, increases can only be 2 and a half percent, we paid 100 and 50 dollar increases randomly, when ever the mood strikesn we get an increase.

The yard will be cleaned up this weekend and then I NEVER want anything to do with that trailer or that lot EVER again!!!

One more note in ten years we have paid him 15,000 dollars in rent (we paid 15,000 for the trailer) durning this time my children didnot do swimming lessons, did not go to bible camp, did not do do all the extras that kids should do, because we couldn't afford it. His kids did everything, fair?? Maybe not but don't be pulling dumb stuff now. I think he's just mad that we acutally left and he now has to start tricking someone else all over.

People only allow you to see what they want you to see, this man deffiantly has two sides!!

Anyhow on a better note, I enrolled the kids in school today, they start tomorrow, we met the principal, we had a tour of the school. I think they will do well, big brother bear was a little upset about making friends, we had a tlk about how this is a new start for him, all the things he did at the old school and the trouble ne got into, it didn't happen here. So the ball is back in his court and its up to him as to how they will see him and how he behaves.
Lil sister bear seems to be putting on a berave face today let's see what happens at bed time?? That is when she usally let's out how she really feels!!!

Here's to fresh starts!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So A lot of things have changed in the last little while:
We are moving.....
Which is a huge change.....
We are leaving our home of 10 years which we practically had to give away to get ride of......
Now my DH is talking about a job change......
This is scary...I just want my own house, stable income, and healthy children.......
Is this really to much to ask?

The middle two bears have kidneystones/ large calicum deposits in the kidneys, where do we go from here?
Now we wait, we hope, we pray......... Will it ever end????
I just want to be happy!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

lions and tigers and bears oh my!!!

We are going to the zoo!! However I forgot hats and sunscreen, so I believe with a quick trip to walmart we can fix that!!