Saturday, August 16, 2008

new quilt pics

These are pjotos of the back of the quilt it's a butterfly, and one of the pillow shams there are a matching pair.!!!!

Again way to hot to be quilting so the progress is slow!!!

But the saying is slow and steady wins the race right? This quilt is so big that I won't even be able to takle it with me on my road trip. (That is if I go)

Double wedding ring quilt

this is a quilt I am doing for a friend, all the fabrics are hers (actually a few are from my stash) she has memories in all of them, it's great to sit with her as she remembers all the different things she has made and who they are for. Some of the fabrics are actually from clothing she had as a child, and left over bits from her boys baby quilts.

The blue and white centers are from her actual wedding dress (scraps that she had that were still in the original bag) and the blue is from outits she made for her boys as babies.

The deal with this quilt is that I do the quilt and she traded me for a sweater she knit for me from "real" wool. I'm sad to say I have the sweater already but her quilt is still in the working stage!!!

We have spent 2 days together planning the quilt The first time we got together to sort, iron and start cuttung fabric. We spent very close to 8 hours sitting around the table ( well I sat she stood at the ironing board) and we were far from complete. I think it took about another week and a half to get it alredy!!!

Then I spent another week piecing the quilt. Once the peicing was done, we got together again to diecde what should be quilted in the center of which "ring", she diecded which picture she wanted where and enlarged them (some of them I had traced before hand and enlarged on a copier) or drew them when needed. I traced them onto the quilt, when she left that day the quilt was ready to be basted (ughhhhh).

I then basted it that evening, and started quilting, unfournatly it was late spring and so the quilt has been waiting for it not the be so hat to be quilted!!!

Check in reguarly to see the process I'll post pics as I go.

Oh I forgot there are also 2 pillow shams, They are finished but I have yet to take the pic!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

the cat "wall hanging"

this is my cat wall hanging, I'm not sure about the white and black fabric, and it has gotten a little larger then I wanted but it looks just like our kitty aisy who unfournatly is no longer with us!!

didn't know what to do here

I started this blog, knowing I wanted it to be about quilting, but then..........

I wasn't sure what to do with it so then I deicded.......

I'll make it an WIPS blog ( well actually UFO'S since it;s been awhile since any of these projects have seen light much less been worked on)

So I started digging around to see how many I could gather, and boy what did I find........

Don't tell the hubby but so far I dug out 5 that just need to be quilted, and there are more LOTS more. But I have hidden them so well from the hubby it will take some seroius diging.
You see the hubby told me NO MORE NEW PROJECTS until I finish some, if that was the case I'd never get to start anything new.........

So much fabric so little time......actually I could proablly find the time but I really enjoy piecing but NOT BASTING (I actually think I am very close to hating basting) and not such a huge fan of the actual quilting part either, and I do not have a quilting machine and have not faound someone willing to do this for me in my area.

So there you ahve it I will be posting about my WIPS and hopefully finish some of them!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Hello this is my first post on my new blog. I love fabric and quilting so I diecded to start a blog about my quilting. If I was talented enough I would be able to make money doing this and I would love it!!!!!